Besto Friendo Place.

Our mission to support Man and Man’s Best Friend.

Everyone Needs A Home And A Friend

  • Two Trees One Seed.

    Our streets are filled with compassionate dogs and people looking for a home. Somewhere to belong and someone to belong to. Our Mission is simple. To grow two trees with one seed. Provide a place for abandoned dogs to live humanely and decently, free from the harsh conditions and neglect of shelters. To be taken care of and trained by people who love dogs. For those people who love dogs who are facing homelessness to be able to come to a place to take care of, train, and teach these dugs how to be sociable. Providing a place that fosters a connection between man and man’s best friend and giving both a purpose and connection that lasts into the future. We will teach and train them how to take care of the dogs. Until that time they both can find a more permanent place to call home, they can be supported at their Besto Friendo Place. By supporting our mission you’ll be helping to provide an answer to not only homelessness but to the current crisis with our dogs and shelters. Also helping to provide both dogs and people with an opportunity for companionship.

  • Together We Can.

    With the rapidly rising rate of homelessness and dogs crowding shelters, with the support of our heroes we will proved a solution. This may not be THE answer to our problems however it is A answer for us to take to help our society. According to USA Today millions more pets are crowding our animal shelters in the last 3 years, with euthanization of dogs seeing a large increase. Together we can help save these dogs and give people a chance to live a better life and have a purpose for providing a service to our communities.