Welcome To The House of Our Father
At The House of Our Father, we stand with hope in Southern California, dedicated to elevating humanity amidst the rapid decline of societal values. Our mission is simple yet profound: Uplift and Better Our Communities.
Discover Your True Potential
We believe everyone is endowed with unique gifts and talents, often buried under the distractions and exploitation of modern life. Our aim is to help you unearth these treasures within you, steering you away from being lost in the noise.
Build Stronger Communities
Imagine a world where every individual uses their innate abilities to enhance the community. We strive to create an environment that fosters meaningful interactions, making sure no one has to face life's challenges alone.
Combat Loneliness and Despair
In an age where isolation has become commonplace, our goal is to help lower the staggering rates of suicide by providing a supportive network, a path forward, a purpose and companion.
Serve with Purpose and Mission
Volunteering with us isn’t just about giving your time; it’s about embracing a purpose that transcends the individual. It's about being part of something bigger that not only transforms the lives of others but also enriches your own.