The Blue Blur, Sonic the hedgehog is back in this highly anticipated entry to the series! Along with his friends Tails and Knuckles, against the very popular and infamous rival Shadow the Hedgehog. How does this entry to the series match up to its previous entries? and does it live up to the hype? WIth so many hints to the games that fans of the franchise will love, will this be a must see or a skip? Read along further to find out!


In this Movie we see sonic dash onto the screen with his friends Tails and Knuckles to deliver a fun filled and nostalgic action/adventure movie that hit’s so many notes, it’s pretty cool to see how this movie came together so well for the audience and long time Sonic fans to enjoy. The Movie starts out with some nostalgic notes that lovers of the the games will definitely catch onto! Starting with the unleashing of his Rival Shadow the Hedgehog, the scene is set with small callbacks that sonic fans of the games will definitely recognize! After a cool display of what he can do ( which looks amazing by the way) we shift the scene to sonic and family enjoying sonics Bearth day (get it… first day he came to earth….) yeah, cheesy lines aside this movie is anything but! Sonic and friends share a nice family scene together and compete with each other, before being interrupted to go on a mission to once again save the earth.


If it wasn’t clear from the next few scenes there's so many well fitted callbacks to the games that lovers of the franchise will enjoy. See if you can catch them all! (You’ll see why) The action of the movie is well paced and the voice acting of the characters was done really well. They not only call out their own universe, they reference many popular titles of their era as well as real world current titles and actors. The character acting was good as well, the story skips and alternates a few beats if you’re familiar with the saga, but that’s expected of the movies since they can’t fully recreate how the original flows. However although they did deviate a bit from the original story flow they did a good job with introducing characters and keeping the plot in tact. The action in this movie was very entertaining and family friendly, lovers of the franchise old and new can enjoy this one together.


Keanu Reeves Debut as Shadow the hedgehog was all fans of the franchise could ask for! He does a great job in capturing our dark hedgehog's feelings, emotions, style and presence! He brings him to life in a way that not only fans are familiar with but his take on the character does good in solidifying him as a standout character and not just trying to copy a voice. JIm Carrey is Back as Gerald and Dr. Eggman! Seeing his take on both Eggman and his grandfather was a very welcoming and entertaining spectacle. His witty lines and funny takes and scenes with himself were done in a way that only someone like Jim Carrey could do and added so much comedic value to the film. The unexpected hilarity of the scenes he and his grandfather are in are a welcome change to the story of eggman and his predecessor. Like Previously stated, although the movie doesn’t fully follow the flow of the original Sonic Adventure 2 story, they do a great job in bringing in original scenes that doesn’t take away from the central plot of the movie, making it very fun to watch while keeping that hint of seriousness in the conflict.


All around (without spoiling much) the movie did a great job in keeping the action on par with what happened in the games. Theres lots of great callbacks and nostalgic moments. They did a good job in keeping Shadows' emotions and motivations true to the character and the added way they showed his relationship with Maria you get a real feel of how the events effect his motivations. By the movies end they gives us a treat that fans of the original game will really enjoy and the final act without spoiling much is a treat for all the older sonic fans who played and enjoyed the game! Sonic and teams adventure to save the earth felt like a real adventure that you didn’t want to look away from. Every character played their role well and it didn’t feel like one character was over or underrepresented.


This entry into the series is a good time! All around family friendly action-adventure film with some fun and funny moments. The pacing was really well done and although they didn’t follow the original plot to a T, what they did add didn’t take away from the overall arch of the story. Shadows' big screen debut is everything fans could hope for and new fans could enjoy. Also make sure you stay for the double end credit scenes if you’re going to watch it in theaters! Solid performances from everyone involved all around and a joy to watch. This is a movie you wouldn’t mind watching multiple times and looking forward to the new entries into the series!

RATING: 9/10